Building Energy Management

Because of increasing concentrations of human occupancy and extensive history of poor energy usage, it is of increasing imperative that new, contemporary, and legacy buildings improve their loss and use energy.
There thankfully are a great deal of commercial products, services, methods and technologies being increasingly directed at these problems, responsibilities, and opportunities.
NRI’s work in this area involves:

  • (at the highest level) integrating environmental sensors, energy-usage sensors, controllable energy entities, and control systems, and
  • (at the lowest levels) medium-granularity “Internet of Things” (IoT) approaches to measuring micro-scale affairs in distributed electrical consumption at the room/office level. The IoT networking can include wireless networking and multi-tap electrical bus arrangements. Examples of such multi-tap electrical bus arrangements can include, for example, carrier-wave signal transmission on AC power wiring not unlike that used in InsteonTM and X10TM products.

Issued Patents

TitlePatent NumberApplication NumberPriority DatesPDFText OnlyRelated Patents
Energy and Internal Environment Management Information Systems and Methods for Buildings and Campuses8,682,93713/103,10405/08/2010PDFText Building Energy Management

Pending Published Applications

TitlePublication NumberApplication NumberPriority DatesPublish DatePDFText OnlyRelated Patents
Room Electrical Usage Measurement Arrangements for Energy Management Systems and Building Environment Information Systems2013/006979613/674,94405/08/201003/21/13PDFTextBuilding Energy Management
Energy and Internal Environment Management Information Systems and Methods for Complex Buildings and Campuses2013/028996713/674,94305/08/201010/31/13PDFTextBuilding Energy Management

Pending Unpublished Applications

TitleApplication NumberPriority DatesRelated Patents